Thursday, January 17, 2008


I just watched a show regarding the cryogenic process. It was rather interesting, however, to think that some people actually believe that their dead body can be frozen and preserved to one day be brought back to life is absurd, not to mention wrong. I have long believed that plastic surgery to alter one's appearance is playing God and should not be done. We were created exactly the way God intended us to be, we look the way He wants us to and to get a nose job or breast enlargement is basically telling God you don't like who you are, they way He created you. Cryonics goes a step beyond that in attempting to bring back the dead, a task which only Jesus Christ himself could perform.
Why are we so obsessed with appearance and living forever? Is it so wrong to accept how we look and that we are not made to live forever on this world? At what point did we say to ourselves that we can play God and change the laws of nature that have existed since the dawn of time.
This is not to say that I believe cryogenics and plastic surgery are completely evil. Plastic surgery is sometimes needed, say, if one was in a tragic accident and lost half of their face to burns. It is a perfect solution to legitimate medical concerns but not as a cosmetic remedy. Cryogenics might also prove useful. If it can be used to freeze someone with a terminal illness and be used for science to learn how to cure disease, much like cadavers are used in medical school practice.
It just seems to me that we, the world, are far too obsessed with beauty and eternal life that we feel the need to forsake our Creator and attempt to play God ourselves. I don't think this will turn out well in the end, for anyone involved.

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